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about me
name: cara l.c. kawahara
dob: july 22, 1977 (gifts accepted) birthplace: honolulu, hawaii family: dad, mom, 2 brothers, 1 sister-in-law, 1 niece, 2 grandparents, 6 aunts, 8 uncles, 17 cousins, 5 2nd cousins (twin boys on the way will make that 7) places i've lived: pearl city, hawaii eugene, oregon new orleans, louisiana metairie, louisiana schools i've attended: our savior lutheran preschool pearl harbor elementary school highlands intermediate school pearl city high school university of oregon tulane university school of medicine occupation: medical student what i want to be when i grow up: family physician |
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Life at Med School
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the life of a torn bubble trying to stay afloat |
Playing Doctor
Well, I've graduated from Tulane Medical School and I've been a doctor for 10 whole days and 3 hours. I don't feel any different. It was a fun event. I actually got an award on Ivy Day for having the highest GPA of all the family medicine future residents. I got $200 and a form to declare my award to the IRS. damn tulane. Oh well, it will pay for a tv or my couch I bought today (which I love!). I'm glad I went to Ivy day. Andy's dad accepted an award for the med student who overcame adversity to continue with medical training. Andy had died in November from his cancer. It was pretty sad and made me cry a bit just because Andy would have been such an incredible physician. I swear he could do anything! Graduation itself was fun. Instead of marching in to pomp and circumstance (the typical graduation theme), we marched to a fun song played by a local jazz band. David did a great job with his speech as did Debbie. The guest speaker was lame. I tuned him out after the first 5 minutes...he talked about his AIDS research and something about people being little crew (the J-K last names) were laughing softly and joking during most of it. Disrespectful perhaps but the guy was really boring. Then came the best part - the hooding ceremony. My only fear was passing out or tripping on stage. Instead my cap kept falling off. Dr. Crabtree did my hooding...she called me a spaz during her neuro lecture cause I couldn't sit still. Then we took the hippocratic oath. And finally we heard the school alma mater (didn't know we had one until that day) sung by Amber, Dan, Ed, and Ariane. They had to use words but Zia said he felt so unspirited when he noticed that the members of the 1955 class were all singing the song without difficulty. It's a nice song. And when we marched out, we marched to 2nd Line with our little umbrellas that say "Welcome to the Class of 2005"; they're from the alumni association, which I can join for a mere $1000. I owe $174322...the alumni assn will have to wait. We went to dinner at Drago's and heather came (jeff was on call). Then later that night Chris and I went out with my friends to Mimi's and then DBA. We got back at 4 am and had to get up at 8 am for the swamp tour at 10 am.
I'm incredibly bored. My body has decided that 7 am is the new wakeup time. There's nothing on tv so I've resorted to online bingo. And for the first time ever, I actually won! Okay, so I won 10 tickets to win $50. But a win is a win. As soon as stores start opening up, I'm out of here. I need food.
asparagus makes my pee stinky.
Let's Play a fun game! It's called, "How much money does Cara owe for her Education?"
Okay, my router may be working okay now. But I've got a new one on the way. It may be wrong, but i think I'll hold off on sending this one back once i get the new one until i get to portland and test things out. this may be short lived so i don't want to be too happy over it. In the meantime, i'm still waiting for my replacement aria card (the 11g card) that wasn't working right. it was delivered on saturday...actually attempted delivery, but the place was closed and so i sent an email to them letting them know the tracking number and neal, the guy helping me, is going to get things figured out so a new card can be sent to me. The hinge for my computer was ordered so now i need to backup all my important files...looks like an excellent job for my ipod since i got the new ipod photo by taking in my old ipod (it was messing up songs). I wonder if I can just dump the entire HD file onto the ipod and have it work... time to find out!
It's raining. And my street is flooded. So I can't go out and get boxes to pack my place up until the river that used to be my street dries up. I was also going to see if any of the stores around here sold 5.8 ghz phones. The 900 mhz phone I have is dying on me and the 2.4 ghz phone has too much static and can interfere with my wireless router.
Today I went to the other apple computer reseller and that guy said that it might be possible to just replace the frame so I'm heading out to show him my baby in hopes that the cost for repair is lower. But the best news is that the grocery store remodel is complete and it's beautiful. I almost cried. Then I starting having issues at the bakery when I had to decide between the fresh baked olive loaf vs the garlic loaf. I went garlic this time. So much for a low carb diet since I plan on eating bread for the next few days so I can then go back and buy the olive loaf. If I were alone, I think I would have allowed my self to drool. It was too much! I'm eating some of the bread now. I have to go get some good garlic to roast. I don't care if I'll stick like's garlic fest time in my world!
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where have all the monkeys gone? |